Sunday, June 12, 2011

Help me decide.....

I was getting lunch ready today when I heard a frantic ringing of my doorbell. I rushed to the door thinking something was wrong. There was nothing wrong. Just some young men who must not know how to read my NO SOLICITING sign.  There have been so many door to door sales people in my neighborhood. Each thinks that the NO SOLICITING sign applies to the other sales people.

I don't want to waste these people time. And I don't want them to waste my time either. So I thought I would make another sign to reinforce my NO SOLICITING policy.

Option #1
You are not the exception.

 Option #2 Yes! This really means YOU!
You can vote in the comments section of the blog or on Facebook. Shelia you can vote via email. And since I don't think these are clever/witty. Feel free to offer an alternative sign.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like #2! We had some lawn care guy actually walk into our backyard where the boys and I were because we weren't answering the door when he rang the bell. Hello? Can't you see the sign on the door? I would think that means coming through my back gate too buddy!

  3. If you can still see the first poster do not click on the link.

    MP- Thanks for visiting my blog. I cant beleive someone would go to your backyard.....thats creepy.
