Monday, August 15, 2011

I don't know. But, God does.

Yesterday, I was giving Cutie Pie the old lecture about how we should be grateful for everything we have. And that there are people in the world who are dying right now because they have no food to eat. Cutie Pie was disturbed by this. She immediately told me to get my coupon binder and go to the store and get them some food. Isn't she sweet? I had to explain that that isn't how we get food to starving people. We generally send money to agencies. Then they buy food from places in closer proximity to the region they serve. At this time....probably prematurely I told her that sometimes bad people take the food before it can get to starving people. That these people take it not because they are hungry themselves. But because they use it to get rich or have power over the helpless. I told her that there were a lot of starving people in Somalia right now. But, agencies were trying to food to the hungry people.

Tonight the kiddos had been watching something on the DVR. Their show was over so the PBS news flipped . And of course there was a news story about how stolen humanitarian aid/food was found being sold on the streets. Cutie Pie asked me "Who are the bad people mommy?" I told her "I don't know. But, God does."


  1. Cute story . . . so sad what is going on in Africa again! And, although I thought I would never use the "there are starving children in Africa" line that my parents used on me, I find myself using it much more that I thought I would!!

  2. I never thought I would say it either.....its too bad we have to.
