Thursday, July 28, 2011

but is a funny word

Yesterday morning Cutie Pie and GH had completed their school work. So they went off to play while I worked with Big Dog. We were working with his Dolche sight word puzzles. When we got to the word but Big Dog couldn't stop laughing. I told him it wasn't the word he was thinking of. Then I used the word but in a few sentences. He just kept laughing. I told him "not that kind of butt, Big Dog." That is when GH came in. He had had an accident. So I went to clean him up. Then GH and Cutie Pie were fighting over costumes. So I tried to play peacemaker. When that didn't work I just confiscated the costumes. Then I went back to help Big Dog again. He was still laughing. Completely amused by the word but;D

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